Loyola gives back with Presence for Christmas
and Hats and Gloves Drive

Throughout the year on the Loyola campus, you can see vivid demonstrations of our community's commitment to service and sharing with others. At no time is that generous spirit more powerful than during the Christmas season, when two of the University's most enduring holiday traditions occur.

For 20 years, the sophomore class, Community Service Council, and Center for Community and Justice have sponsored Presence for Christmas, a program that unites the entire campus community in an effort to provide gifts and holiday meals to children and families who are materially disadvantaged. Student clubs, administrative and academic departments, and other organizations throughout the University have joined together to donate more than $20,000 per year in gifts and food, benefiting nearly 100 families and some 550 individual children each Christmas season. Many of the gifts are presented to the agencies working with the children and families at the annual Festival of Lessons and Carols.

Group photo

The use of the word "presence" in this program's name is more than a play on words. Its use reminds all members of the Loyola community how important it is to be present in the lives of those facing economic and personal challenges, to say they are willing to give of themselves to bring a moment's joy to others they've never met.

Presence for Christmas is one of many Loyola projects that benefit from the community's concern for its neighbors. Another increasingly popular program is the hats and gloves drive sponsored by Loyola's Black Faculty, Staff, and Administrators Association. Now in its seventh year, the hats and gloves drive benefits children at Baltimore City's Northwood Elementary School, as well as the children of the Refugee Youth Project. In addition to collection points throughout campus, donations can also be made at two Loyola basketball games:

Women's basketball vs. Maryland—Dec. 7 at 7 p.m.
Men's and Women's Doubleheader vs. St. Mary's—Dec. 11, 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Presence for Christmas Photo Album 1
Presence for Christmas Photo Album 2
Presence for Christmas Photo Album 3